The natural, organic, whole foods, the public must learn some lessons very early, or be destroyed by itself, the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry. I see the enemy (natural, organic, whole food industry) and there is.
To illustrate this point, I would draw your attention to the construction sector, where, after 40 years in construction, I had ample opportunity to observe the beginning of a larger building of color and haveMat. But the "painting" is all that most people really concentrated. (I say we draw from nature, organic, Whole Foods public and build our building itself and not the government do it for us, or we will have nothing but misery and disappointment). Back to the construction business, I observed that the main reason the government has imposed building codes excused as a necessary means to "protect the public" are the cause of the problem. How did we ever survivebefore the UBC (Uniform Building Code) has been imposed on us? How is it that buildings of exceptional quality that were built 100 years before the UBC never existed, and that they were still in use today? What is the natural, organic, whole food that are still learning in the early stages of development from this example?
The current is the solution for a socialist poorly constructed building a very expensive tax program (which is not the business of government at all, and historicallywas not the business of government, until recently, and we learn from the natural, organic, whole foods, the needs of the community). This "consumer protection" program has expanded and now is, red tape and bureaucracy to begin with the approval of '"land use". People who live in the land of "free" does not now have freedom. Property that does not belong to the community is now the subject of a "community decision" to use for the time or not a particular use. In the '50s and'60s We called "community-ism," where the community has chosen someone other than what they could or could not do, "communism" and our enemy the USSR, which has all the time, and we abhor. Today in America we have to do the same thing and call it "freedom." Guys, we are blind and in a dilemma. We are now "free" from Communist-style coercion, in line and wait for permission to use our property, buy numerous approvals, added fees for this and that, on top of inspectionsInspections and various "quality" test, which only serve to control people by while lowering the price and quality. Now, with all these "guarantees the government," not experience very expensive and poorly constructed buildings completed and sold every day. It is a model that we have to repeat in nature, the whole organic world? We do not need to look for a day and discover that we are communist-style natural, organic, whole foods is the line of failure. I supportWe need to observe and avoid the mistakes government intervention in the natural, organic, whole food industry.
Consider the FDA and how it helps. We are told that the FDA ensure the quality of the prescription drug business in the United States. But Dr. Julian Whitaker reported that "experts that adverse drug reactions are actually prescribed to millions and drugs responsible for over 100,000 deaths every year to appreciate." Nutrients have been reports of other sideDead. We must understand that we do not need to have the natural, organic, food matter to resolve with more government regulation because it is not broke!
In addition, it is known as a natural, organic, whole foods, circles, lead in fact in many cases, the drugs run out a person's vitamins, minerals and enzymes. For example, diabetic drugs are known to carry three vitamins (B6, B12, folic acid) and four minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc). Furthermore, statins,Substance for lowering cholesterol, are known for coenzyme Q10, which drives your energy supply decreases. The absence of coenzyme Q10 is like removing the spark plug of an internal combustion engine and expect it to fire. Of course with this medication is good in regard to the FDA, the government is because they are approved. This is just another reason why we should rethink the protectiveness of the government, prior to adding the new regulations for natural, organic, wholeFood industry.
FDA to consider another story. A few months ago I was at a conference where a man said that it would close by the FDA after a product marketed by the number of years to eliminate a natural herb that is a masterly work that cancer was a considerable number of people who use it. It 'was also reported to have no side effects and completely safe. This was confirmed by the fact that he founded the economy for yearsand had no complaints against him by the purchasers of its products. (Do you remember how everyone is now happy as I did because his claims for validity, because if the opposite were true, would have been suing the business and the FDA before they could be), but now, as FDA was closed and could not continue to market its products as it has not been "approved".
Now days the only way to obtain, or to use natural, organic, whole foods for health is a solution with the withdrawal from the country of"FREE". Why? Since the FDA has a very strict rule that there is competition in this country in this area of health (including the credits in the natural, organic, Whole Foods Arena) did so without their express consent. When you get up to in terms of undue demands, offered or the unauthorized sale of "drugs", the author, and thrown into prison, so the competition for those who did not win "agreement."
This is notunique history. I have dozens of people over the past 30 years, who were asked to leave the country are not FDA-approved natural, organic, whole foods using the procedures for their healthy body as a medicine because these procedures have been banned here in the "Land visited Of The Free. " In some of these cases it was a lifesaver, because the medical community had written as a terminal.
I am concerned that this same hope socialist minded neighbors, incompetent,bureaucratic FDA / AMA urgency is soon on the natural, organic, whole food industry are required to adjust to the point of uselessness. Historically, the private sector and free enterprise were more than capable of regulating themselves and that is exactly what the natural, organic, whole food industry needs to do today.
If you find this a strange, but then consider the following. UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) is a private company specializing inTesting and qualification of products and equipment in the private sector. The buying public has to rely on this service. If you want to produce a product and must be approved by UL for the product, you must submit and pass the UL. (The natural, organic, food needs of an entire suite (NOWFU) standards.) The UL mark means that corresponds to a very high quality. UL approval is that approval of the Government, meant so much desired and much more. Also, if you design andbuild a product and choose not to UL for testing that you are not a criminal not to do, as it undoubtedly would be if the FDA were involved to pay. When it comes to UL, the customer is the final authority, and many buyers do not purchase a product unless you have the UL mark on them, and we see the UL Mark on products every day. These are good products built with high standards, but there is no danger, exile, imprisonment or fines if you do not have. Suppose we had anatural, organic, whole foods labeled Underwriter (NOWFU) this would be self-regulation.
We have the following that private individuals and private companies to regulate themselves is better to observe. Danika Amott shows very clearly in his article in the spring of 2009 the number of Whole Foods Harvest Source Journal page 23, in the case of his son, he found that it is adequate natural food has been "approved" by the need for drugs, does not help , and they were veryexpensive. Amott for family responsibilities, personal to themselves and the natural, organic, lifestyle Whole Foods was the answer.
We need to study and apply this principle to the natural, organic and whole operators (NOWFOODS) Amott and our life as they are, because when more levels are taken by the government, the result is less responsibility on the part of citizens and reduce the quality services by the government. The reason for this is that, by law, if they are imposed on peoplecease to be responsible for themselves, because they believe that someone else is better qualified to perceive that it is preparing for them. (When you have a guy FDA informed on the topic of natural, organic, whole foods, such as himself) is a self-imposed illusion on a national basis. None of this happens, because the regulations were designed to eliminate competition and create monopoly does not protect anyone, as we have seen.
The competition is by its nature, self, Which govern the monopoly. Try this for yourself next time you want to know about a product or a service. Do this in natural, organic, whole foods store or in the field of office equipment. All you have to do is ask two companies in competition with other products or service companies to assess and explain everything to their advantage, and report the errors of the competition. On the other hand, if a company only wanted to have a product (monopoly), thenProduct or service by its manufacturer would be the best, safest and most perfect product to be described to satisfy all needs. Normally this is not the case, because many want to stay longer. If there is no competition, there is no "better mousetrap" or better, natural, organic food thing, it's just the culture of drugs the FDA modernist.
Applied to natural, organic, whole food industry, we must note that the FDA ban and to assert our claims for themselves"Perfection" by his own authority. Thus, natural, organic, whole foods are declared to be evil and good. Never mind that the use of nutrients and supplements do not interfere or organic, natural foods or whole with the majority of prescription drugs. In fact, nutrients and supplements is often the number of side effects. It does not matter, because it does not sound control and monopoly and protect the drug business monster that does not needSecurity.
Caring for our industry is in our hands. The natural, organic and whole foods the public must choose freedom and independence. We have our "NOWFOODS Underwriter" society similar to UL. Why do you ask for the suppression of his older brother, is that we do not need? Once again we can take care of ourselves and have a higher quality. We must take responsibility for ourselves and appose any attempt by the government, for our natural, organic, whole foods to regulate the industry. This iswise and keep our freedom. All the government takes control of the rain, everyone does it, it is a very expensive "paint" on the sandy foundation of penal provisions, the natural, organic, whole foods industry that will do nothing to make what should be. Government is not our greatest friend and the FDA is no friend of nature, organic, whole-food.
Let us focus again and retain ownership of our natural, organic, whole foods of our futureBusiness of our company. We strive for a healthy future for natural and organic food industry, because it is still in us.
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